Post Holiday Fever

Holiday season is almost over, like anybody else, me not like it. 

Wish that we could stay like this, do nothing hohoho. What an impossible mission. 

Little one will be back to school tomorrow, following with lots of other activities that he need (not he wants). 

Extra energy to be prepared. 

I’ve been wondering lately, what is the best way to end the holiday so then we wil feel recharge and content, do you know the answer?

Nothing! 😺

When holiday is ended, we will get the fever, the cravings and we just need to move on, continue the journey and plan the next holiday. 

I wish everyone to have great post holiday feelings, naahh, enjoy your daily routine 😍



I’ve been craving cookies since like forever. My unforgiven sin is to loved all those yummy cookies at Hari Raya, of course, the sin means nonstop munching it (hello cleaneating, i don’t know who you are…. Oops)

Since I could only find pineapple tart here, so here I am, baking Kaastangels to satisfy my crave.

I need to keep the recipe, because it’s fool proof, yeay!

Recipe Kastaangels :

2,5 cups flour + 3 tbs (check the final mixture first)

250 gram Edam cheese + 50 gram cheddar (shredded)

Pinch of salt

1 tbs vanilla powder

2 egg yolks

1 egg

250 gram butter + 3 tbs margarine

1/2 cup arrowroot powder

1 egg yolk mix with oil and water for brushing

Prepare grated cheese for topping

– heat oven to 175′ C

– using low speed mixer, mix butter and margarine until fluffy

– add the egg one by one, ensure that the egg fully incorporated before adding another one.

– mix in medium speed for 5 min.

– using low speed put half cheese and continue mixing. Turn of the mixer.

– fold the flour+arrowroot mixture in.

– the dough will look separated, it’s ok.

As soon as you start to mould it, it will incorporate well.

Brush with egg yolks mixture and put grated cheese on top.

Bake for 20-30 min until golden.

Voila! ❤️