Is it okay?

warning : this piece is contain a high narcism of me 😄 and sarcasm.

Come across my mind, how far I’ve been going from what I thought “my path”.
Yes, it’s been 3 years I become a full time mom aka wife aka domestic goddess (sweetest term that makes you believe that you will feel like goddess at home LOL).

I have to say.. Naahh, Nope, No, I am not a housewife material, taking care of house, do EVERYTHING, from washing dishes to ironing, from scrubbing toilet to mop the floor, and bla bla bla.

Sometimes when I meet my friend and they don’t believe what I’ve been doing, I lied, white lies. I said yes, once a while someone is coming to help me. In reality, I guess I am just too picky to choose a maid yet to perfectionist (sorry).

Anybody who say that housewife is the most amazing job, I salute them. Because to me, it is the most challenging job I ever have (It has the fun side for sure)
Well, if you are imagining my house or should I explain, my 1500 square feet apt as Martha Steward tidy kind of apartment, well, you know you are wrong. 😄
First few months when I started, yes, I was trying super hard to maintain Martha Steward look, but then I realize my sanity is much more important.

So, I decided to embrace it, some unhappy cranky days, i will let my floor stained, piling up clothes. Much easier.

But then my Inner perfectionist (maybe only 20% left), push myself to clean all the places. Finish everything that hasn’t been done (you name it).

Then I will reward myself with somethng nice, from a pair of shoes to cup of coffee, or nice book, or anything. Of course hubby pay for it hohoho.

I was a senior manager before, lucky to have experienced at reputable retail company, lucky to meet lots of talented young people that I could call my friends now. Lucky to meet unique type of bosses and lucky to meet my family, the store team that I miss everyday.

I often thinking, do I miss my job?I do. But I miss the people more. I miss working with them. I miss being needed by them and hated as well LOL. Well I could be that b*tch that you don’t want to mess around. As a lady manager, I did create a kind of cruel to be kind image before but they know that I love them 😊👌🏻

I miss work, I miss them. I do.

It is okay not to let your inner self go. It’s okay to feel that you should be selfish. These are the things that I always tell myself.

Told you, I am narcissistic and sarcastic 😝

Now, off to ironing and put on my favourite songs in the laundry room. If you are curious, katy perry, adam levine, the haim and taylor swift are here now to accompany me. Oh well, now I am more than narcissistic, I am halusinating 😆.

Till next time


Oh I wish my apt is always this clean 😘

Seal with oil 

Hey ho,

I never mention how much I love young living oil. This review is based on my personal experience, no commercial side or sponsorship 😄

These are my lovely oils that I used for past 2 weeks. Enjoy 😆

1. Lavender

My Number 1 oil for everything, from soothing my son to allergic. I recently woke up with swollen eyes and instantly applied Lavender (dilute it) around my eyes. Don’t put it to close to eyes as it might hurt it. Gently massage on circular move and l after 2 days, my eye is good.

2. Thieves, Lemon, Raven

As I mentioned that I caughf heavy flu and cough after my first class, Thieves and Lemon and Little part of Raven help me out. Takes some times but I feel really good.

3. Stress Away and White Angelica and Cedarwood.

So many things are going on at home and I need to keep myself together and feel good. Stress away and white angelica ease my anxiety. Hooray! Cedarwood, it’s just perfect and do you know that it makes your hair grow thicker? 👌🏻

4. Believe

My new baby and my boy love it. Not only the wonderful smells and it enhance the effect of Stress Away. Love love love love love it. ❤️❤️❤️

I know that this oil might give different effect to different people, but I must to say, they are good 😊😊😊

– xoxo-


Did I mention that I am a full time dreamer? I dream a lot, mostly about spending time in the future. Where would I be, what would I do (with my little fam for sure). 

I dream of a small house by the beach. Where I can walk and run and do whatever on the beach everyday. 

Hmm wait, I don’t mind having a quiet place with view too. Where you can enjoy the breeze, fresh air. Someplace like Bandung Utara? 

Oh well, it’s me, a split second wanderer mom. Who has too many things jumbles in my head. LOL. 

But one thing for sure, I am a dynamic person, trying to lock me up inside house and do same routine, I will turn into a demonic person ( I am! been there) 

Thanks to my men, they set me free, create a fun environment for me and us. 

Sometimes I wander, is it good to be dynamic? Or is it to much to ask?

What is settle means anyways?Is it sit or stay at one place forever?or is it just a mind set kind of situation. 
– I wander- 

I am Hooked

It’s almost June and thinking about this year resolution making me wander, yes, I want to exceed my limit, do more. That’s the only resolution that I have. And that include being healthier.

I try to challenge myself with sports. Something that I have love and hate situation (LOL).

Start with walking, running and now Bikram hot Yoga.

I must say, I am hooked with Bikram.

Oh yes, all I can think of on my first day was please don’t pass out and it turn out great. Not that great as I spend half time sit on my mat, catch my breathe and try to focus.

It is fun, trully fun. Sharing heated room with people who literally do much better than me. Motivate me in a way and yes, catching breathe most of the time.

That sore all over body, oh well. The best part is I catch terrible flu and cough after my first class. Horrible. But it didn’t stop me. After few days, I am back on the mat.

Last night was my 3rd class, feel much better but need to adjust more. Sore, pain and catching breathe are there, but along with fun and determination.

I’ll keep posted.

I am hooked! 😉


A big question mark, how would you define a friend and friendship quality. 

They says that friendship that last more than 5 years will last forever. How could you tell it’s true 😅 

My version, friends are lovely people who always be there for you, you could spend hours talking to them everyday, or not talking at all for weeks, but they remain the same. Same person who never judge but remind us when we cross the line. But eventually they will be there if we do cross the line. 

Loving and giving, constant reminder but never judge, confronting, arguing but never holding grutch,forgiving, most of all, they understand and caring. Not to mention longlist of those crazy things that we’ve been going through, through happiness and heartbroken, cheerful moments and sadness. 

I made a mistake not so long ago to some friends, pretty much ruin a trip, but they made me feel punished even after months. 

Should I stop consider them as friends? I hope not. Tiny hope that they will come around. It was a mistake that I could not avoid. 

I couldn’t stop but wander, if friendship is stronger after years, why we could not build stronger understanding. Maybe I am should be punished?or maybe I am the one with guilt and punish myself? 

Lucky I have more positive vibes to help me through this. 

A best friend who constantly sharing fun and excitement. 

Another want who’s working on her dream, you go gal. 

Another one who is calling me mom. My little prince who never tired to share positivity to me. 

That’s my friendship story for now, tell me your story 🙂 
Happy Mother’s Day super mom

This article is worth to read to make you even more understand about friendship.

Hail to lifetime friendship! ❤️❤️❤️

Surprises Surprises

How much do you like surprise?

I love surprises and all the excitement but few occasion, it wasn’t as lovely as it seems. 

I made a huge decision recently and today someone is questioning my decision. It wasn’t easy for sure but it is for the best. Huge surprise for me because they don’t even ask the reason why I made that decision, instead questioning it. 

I begin to wonder, how big is the impact of other people’s opinion to our decision. 

Having doubt about my decision, second thought, I believe it’s normal. 

But for now, I am gonna stick to it, knowing that this is for the best. 

I just wish to be prepared when someone is questioning or commenting it. 

Couldn’t say more. Surprises sometimes come on the wrong place. 

But still it is a good day today, I can made a choice, decide something good and grateful for what we have until today. 
