Hey hey hey

Hey there blogs, long time no see. I’ve been to lazy lately ( for months) to write anything (very bad hehehe)
Anyway, something just cross my mind now, knowing how lazy I could be, this is the perfect time to remind myself about how great my life is.
In my defense it is great 🙂

Not much happening last few months but my son is going to join new school soon, yeay (hope for the best), i chop my hair short and edgy (again in my own opinion), and i got a job interview (but somehow it lead to confusedness and uncertainty and so on and so on and not to mention i might not get accepted after all :p )

However, back to the main reason why i wrote this…
Spending the past 2 years ups and down as stay at home mom, make me realize something deeply. I got a chance to build way better communication with my husband (hey, he scrub the toilet, washing dishes occasionally – something that he never do before – and he has more time for us. Love you hubs)

And i have the most precious gift any mother could ask, spend their time with the little boy, listening to him, play with him (now i get more rejection as he choose to play alone – mama is not cool enough to play with me- oh well).

Life is a matter of choices, i’d love to work again someday and i also admire working mom (always hate those stat at home mom who love to scold working mom with their words)

Well for now i am so grateful that universe choose me to stay at home.

Remember to always be grateful with what we have now because someone else might not as lucky as we are.
